Chaim Noy is a Professor at the School of Communication, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2002). After receiving the Rothschild (Yad-Hanadiv) Ginsberg Postdoctoral Fellowships, he worked as a Senior Lecturer at the School of Communication, Sapir College, Israel. After a Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania (2011-2012), Noy took a tenured, Associate Professor position at the Department of Communication, University of South Florida. He returned to Israel in 2015, and worked for three years at Ashkelon Academic College (2015-2018).
Noy has publishes in the fields of Media and Communication Studies, Language and Social Interaction, Israeli Studies and Jewish Studies, Tourism and Museum Studies. His studies employ qualitative and critical methodologies, with an emphasis on ethnographic approaches to language, technology, and culture.
Noy won international Awards, Grants, Fellowships, and serves as an Editorial Board Member of leading journals and professional organizations in his fields of study, including (but not limited to): the International Communication Association (ICA), the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA), the Israeli Communication Association, the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Narrative Works, and Qualitative Psychology. He served as the Chairperson of the Israeli Communication Association (2018-2021), and since 2021 is the Chair of the School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University.
- Communication, Language, and Discourse: Participatory public sphere, mediation and sites of heritage and commemoration, and performative approaches
- Medium Theory: New and old media ecologies and affordances, the digital divide
- Methodology: Ethnography of Communication (EC), the qualitative paradigm in Communication Studies and beyond
Bar-Ilan University
- New Media, New Language?
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Travel Narratives in the Digital Age (seminar class)
- Israeli Backpackers: A Century of Wanderings
Ashkelon Academic College
- Travel Narratives across the Digital Divide (seminar class)
- Museums in Urban Environments (pro-seminar class)
- Introduction: The Sociology and Anthropology of Travel and Tourism
- Qualitative Research Methods in Tourism Studies
- Israeli Backpacking: Comparative Perspectives
University of South Florida
- Language and Mobile Communication
- Communication, Tourism and Travel
University of Pennsylvania
- Masculinities in Israeli Culture and Society. Department of Sociology and
Department of Jewish Studies
Sapir College
- Ethnicity and its Images in Israeli Society
- Discourse, Culture and Society: An Introduction
- Politics of Identity in Israel
- Israeli Society: A Sociological Introduction
- Tourists and Backpackers: Critical Reflections
- Discourse and Embodiment of Israeli Masculinities
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Speaking Masculinity: Narratives of Masculinity in Conversation and
Discourse in Israeli Culture. Department of Communication
- Language and Ritual: Local Reflections. Department of Sociology &
- Student’s advisor for qualitative research. Department of Psychology
- Academic Writing for Undergraduates. Co-led seminar with Professor Ze’ev
Klein. Department of Psychology
- Introduction to Personality Theory. Teaching fellow. Department of
Haifa University
- Tourism, Culture & Identity: The Case of Israeli Backpacking. Department of
Graduate courses:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Sociology of Tourism. Department of Sociology & Anthropology
M.A. and Ph.D.
Haifa University
- Performing Masculinity: Men’s Speech and Narrative. Department of
- Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods. Department of Geography
University of South Florida
- Advanced Ethnography
- Ethnography of Communication
BOOKS (as author)
- Noy, C. (2007). Narrative Community: Voices of Israeli Backpackers. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. ISBN: 9780814331767 256 pages
- Noy, C. (2015). Thank You for Dying for Our Country: Commemorative Texts and Performances in Jerusalem. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199398980 304 pages
BOOKS (as editor)
- Noy, C. and Cohen, E. (Eds.), (2005). Israeli Backpackers: From Tourism to a Rite of Passage. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. ISBN10: 0-7914-6497-0 268 pages
SPECIAL ISSUES (as editor)
- McIlvenny, P. and Noy, C. (2011). Co-edited Special Issue of Social Semiotics, 21(2), titled “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Spaces of Multimodal Discourse.”
- Schiff, B., and Noy, C. (2005). “Making it Personal: The Social Character of Life Stories.” In Anna De Fina, Deborah Schiffrin & Michael Bamberg (eds.), Discursive Construction of Identities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 114-143.
- Noy, C., and Cohen, E. (2005). “Introduction: Backpacking as a Rite of Passage in Israel.” In Chaim Noy & Eric Cohen (eds.) Israeli Backpackers and Their Society: A View from Afar. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. Pp. 1-44.
- Noy, C. (2005). “Israeli Backpackers: Narrative, Interpersonal Communication, and Social Construction.” In Chaim Noy & Eric Cohen (eds.) Israeli Backpackers and Their Society: A View from Afar. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. Pp. 111-158.
- Noy, C. (2007). “The language(s) of the Tourist Experience: An Autoethnography of the Poetic Tourist.” In Irena Ateljevic, Nigel Morgan, and Annette Pritchard (eds.), The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Innovative Research Methodologies. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publications. Pp. 349-370.
- Noy, C. (2007). “Traveling (for) masculinity: Bodies/spaces in Israeli backpackers’ narratives,” in Annette Pritchard, Irena Ateljevic, and Nigel Morgan (eds.), Tourism & Gender: Embodiment, Sensuality, and Experience. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. Pp. 47-72.
- Noy, C. (2008). “Israeliness Outside-In: Backpacking and Contemporaries identities in Israel,” in Gisela Dachs (ed.), Judischer Almanach. Leo Baeck Instituts: Frankfurt am Main. Pp. 145-150 [in German]
- Noy, C. (2009). “On Driving a Car and Being a Family: A Reflexive Ethnography,” in Phillip Vannini (ed.), Material Culture and Technology in Everyday Life: Ethnographic Approaches. N.Y.: Peter Lang Publishing. Pp. 101-113.
- Noy, C. (2009). “The Authentication of Discourse in Commemorative Visitor Books in Israel,” in Phillip Vannini and Phillip Williams (eds.), Authenticity in Culture, Self, and Society. London: Ashgate. Pp. 219-240.
- Noy, C. (2010). “Touristic Paradises: A Critical Rendering of Modern Vacationscapes,” in Rachel Elior (ed.), A Garden Eastward in Eden Traditions of Paradise. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press. Pp. 395-409 [in Hebrew]
- Noy, C. (2011). “The Semiotics of (Im)mobilities: Two Discursive Case Studies of the System of Automobility,” in Giuseppina Pellegrino (ed.), The Politics of Proximity: Mobility and Immobility in Practice. London: Ashgate. Pp. 61-81.
- Noy, C. (2011). “Commodified Imagined Spaces: A few Critical Remarks on Tourism’s (in)visibilities,” in Arnon Soffer, Jacob, O. Maoz, and Ronit Cohen-Seffer (eds.), Cultural Landscape Patterns: Festschrift in honor of Prof. Yoram Bar-Gal. Haifa University Press, Haifa. Pp. 221-232 [in Hebrew].
- Noy, C. (2012). “Narratives and Counter-Narratives: Contesting a Tourist Site in Jerusalem,” in Jacqueline Tivers and Tijana Rakić (eds.), Narratives of Travel and Tourism. London: Ashgate. Pp. 135-150.
- Noy, C. (2012). “The Political Ends of Tourism: Voices and Narratives of Silwan/the City of David in East Jerusalem,” in Irena Ateljevic, Nigel Morgan, and Annette Pritchard (eds.), The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Creating an Academy of Hope. 2nd Ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publications. Pp. 27-41.
- Noy, C. (2013). Peace Activism in Tourism: Two Case Studies (and a Few Reflections) in Jerusalem, in Blanchard, L., & F. Higgins-Desbiolles (eds.). Peace through Tourism: Promoting Human Security through International Citizenship. New York: Routledge. Pp. 204-216
- Noy, C. (2013). “Teaching the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research: Insights from a Qualitative Martial Art,” in Teaching Qualitative Research: Challenges, Principles, Application, Orit Hazzan & Liora Notov (eds.), Tel-Aviv: The Mofet Institute Publications. Pp. 269-296 [in Hebrew].
- Schiff, B., Noy, C. and Cohler, B. (2001). “Collected Stories in the Life Narratives of Holocaust Survivors.” Narrative Inquiry, 11(1): 159-194. doi:https://doi.org/10.1075/ni.11.1.07sch
- Noy, C. (2002). “‘You MUST go Trek There’: The Persuasive Genre of Narration among Israeli Backpackers.” Narrative Inquiry, 12(2): 261-290. doi:https://doi.org/10.1075/ni.12.2.03noy
- Noy, C. (2003). “The Write of Passage: Reflections on Writing a Dissertation in Narrative/Qualitative Methodology.” Forum of Qualitative Social Research, 4(2). [On-line Journal] Available at: http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/2-03/2-03noy-e.htm.
* The article was reprinted in Wolff-Michael Roth (ed.), Auto/Biography and Auto/Ethnography: Praxis of Research Method. Rotterdam: Sense Publications. Pp. 359-378.
* Two more versions of this article appeared in translation also in German and Spanish.
- Noy, C. (2003) “Narratives of Hegemonic Masculinity: Presentations of Body and Space in Israeli Backpackers’ Narratives.” Israeli Sociology, 5(1): 75-120 [in Hebrew]
- Noy, C. (2004). “’The Trip Really Changed Me’”: Backpackers’ Narratives of Self-Change.” Annals of Tourism Research, 31(1): 78-102. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2003.08.004
- Noy, C. (2004). “Performing Identity: Touristic Narratives of Self-Change.” Text and Performance Quarterly, 24(2): 115-138. doi:10.1080/1046293042000288353
- Noy, C. (2006). “Israeli Backpacking since the 1960s: Institutionalization and its Effects.” Tourism Recreation Research, 31(3), 39-54. doi:10.1080/02508281.2006.11081504
- Noy, C. (2007). “The Poetics of Tourist Experience: An Autoethnography of a Family Trip to Eilat.” Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 5(3), 141-157. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2167/jtcc085.0
- Noy, C. (2007). “Sampling Knowledge: The Hermeneutics of Snowball Sampling in Qualitative Research.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 11(4), 327-344. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13645570701401305
- Noy, C. (2008). “Writing Ideology: Hybrid Symbols in a Commemorative Visitor Book in Israel.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 18(1): 62-81. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1548-1395.2008.00004.x
- Noy, C. (2008). “Pages as Stages: A Performance Approach to Visitor Books.” Annals of Tourism Research, 35(2): 509-528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2008.02.005
- Noy, C. (2008). “Traversing Hegemony: Gender and Identity in the Narratives of Israeli Female Backpackers.” Tourism Review International, 12(2): 93-114.
- Noy, C. (2008). “Mediation Materialized: The Semiotics of a Visitor Book at an Israeli Commemoration Site.” Critical Studies in Media Communication, 25(2): 175-195. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15295030802032283
- Noy, C. (2009). “The Politics of Authenticity in a National Heritage Site in Israel.” Qualitative Sociology Review, 5(1): 112-129.
- Noy, C. (2009). “’I WAS HERE!’: Addressivity Structures and Inscribing Practices as Indexical Resources.” Discourse Studies, 11(4): 421-440. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1461445609105218
- Noy, C. & Kohn, A. (2010). “Mediating Touristic Dangerscapes: The Semiotics of State Travel Warnings Issued to Israeli Tourists.” Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 8(3): 206-222. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2010.517318
- Brin, E., and Noy, C. (2010). “The Said and the Unsaid: Performative Guiding In a Jerusalem Neighborhood.” Tourist Studies, 10(1): 19-33. doi:10.1177/1468797610390982
- Noy, C. (2010). “Sanctities, Blasphemies and the (Jewish) Nation: Commemorative Inscriptions in a National Memorial Site in Israel.” Postscripts, 6: 199-218.
- Noy, C. & Kohn, A. (2010). “‘Avoid Traveling to Sinai’: Analysis of Journey Warnings in Israeli Media.” Horizons in Geography, 75: 5-25 [in Hebrew].
- Noy, C. (2011). “Articulating Spaces: Inscribing Spaces and (Im)mobilities in an Israeli Commemorative Visitor Book.” Social Semiotics, 21(2): 155–173. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10350330.2011.548636
- Noy, C. (2011). “The Aesthetics of Qualitative (Re)search: Performing Ethnography at a Heritage Museum.” Qualitative Inquiry, 17(10): 917–929. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800411425008
- Noy, C. (2011). “’I Worship You – Israeli Soldiers’: Gender-cum-national Performances at an Israeli Commemoration Site.” Israel: Studies in Zionism and the State of Israel, 18-19: 211–236 [in Hebrew].
- Noy, C. (2011). “Pérégrinations: Étude (intergénérationnelle) d’un rite de passage culturel israélien” [Israeli backpacking: An (inter-)generational perspective on a cultural rue-de-passage], Cahiers du Judaïsme, 33: 104–117 [in French]
- Noy, C. (2012). “Inhabiting the Family-Car: Children-Passengers and Parents-Drivers on the School Run.” Semiotica, 191: 309–333. doi:https://doi.org/10.1515/sem-2012-0065
- Noy, C. (2012). “Your Hands. Extended: Performing Embodied Knowledge in Eastern Martial Arts.” M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture, 15(4). [On-line Journal] Available at: http://journal.media-culture.org.au/index.php/mcjournal/article/view/539
- Cohen-Hattab, K., and Noy, C. (2013). “Place and its Texts: Rachel’s Tomb and its Guardian as a site of National Heritage.” Cathedra, 148: 109–142 [in Hebrew]
- Hercbergs, D., and Noy, C. (2013). “Beholding the Holy City: Changes in the Iconic Representation of Jerusalem in the 21st Century.” Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History, 6. [On-line Journal]. Available at: www.quest-cdecjournal.it/focus.php?id=345.
- Noy, C. (2014). “Staging Portraits: Tourism’s Panoptic Photo-industry.” Annals of Tourism Research, 47(2): 48–62. doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2014.04.004
- Noy, C. (2015). “An Aikidōka’s Contribution to the Teaching of Qualitative Inquiry.” Qualitative Research, 15(1): 4–12. doi:10.1177/1468794113501684
- Hercbergs, D., and Noy, C. (2015). “Mobile Cartographies and Mobilized Ideologies: The Visual Management of Jerusalem.” Antipode, 47(4): 942–962. doi:10.1111/anti.12137
- Noy, C. (2015). “Writing in Museums: Towards a Rhetoric of Participation.” Written Communication, 32(2): 195–219. doi:10.1177/0741088315574703
- Noy, C. (2016). “’My Holocaust Experience was Great!’”: Entitlements for Participation in Museum Media.” Discourse & Communication, 10(3): 274–290. doi:10.1177/1750481315623901
- Noy, C. (2016). “Participatory Media New and Old: Semiotics and Affordances of Museum Media.” Critical Studies in Media Communication, 33(4): 308–323. doi:10.1080/15295036.2016.1227865
- Noy, C. (2017). “Moral discourse and argumentation in the public sphere: Studying museums and their visitors.” Discourse, Context & Media, 16: 39-47. doi:10.1016/j.dcm.2017.01.005
- Noy, C. (2017). “‘Look at me! Oh Lord have mercy!’: Images of Roller-Coaster Riders and the Work of Self-Recognition.” Visual Studies, 32(1): 47-59. doi:10.1080/1472586X.2016.1243018
- Noy, C. (2017). ‘“Seeing the voices’: On the visual representation of texts in Jewish museums.” IMAGES, 9(1): 5-18.
- Noy, C. (2017). “Participatory Media and Discourse in Heritage Museums: Co-constructing the Public Sphere?” Communication, Culture & Critique, 10(2): 280-301. doi:10.1111/cccr.12160
- Noy, C. (2017). “Memory, Media, and Museum Audience’s Discourse of Remembering.” Critical Discourse Studies, 15(1): 19-38. doi:10.1080/17405904.2017.1392331
- Kukla, A. (2000). Social Constructivism and the Philosophy of Science. London: Routledge. The Journal of Constructivist Psychology, (2004), 17(1): 76-79.
- McAdams, D. P. Josselson, R., and A. Lieblich, (Eds.), (2001) Turns in the Road: Narrative Studies of Lives in Transition. Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, (2003), 48(4): 490-493.
- Richards, G. and J. Wilson. (Eds.), The Global Nomad: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice. (2004). Tourism Analysis, (2005), 10(3): 333-334.
- Phipps, A. (2006). Learning the Arts of Linguistic Survival: Language, Tourism, Life. Tourism Review International, (2008), 11(4): 93-101.
- Böhm, S., Jones, C., Land, C., & Paterson, M. (Eds.). (2006). Against Automobility. International Sociology, (2009), 24(5): 743–756.
- Orbach, B. (2007). Live from Jordan and Other Parts of the Arab World: Letters Home from My Journey through the Middle East. Israel Studies Forum, (2010), 25(1): 112-114.
- Maschler, Y. (2009). Metalanguage in Interaction: Hebrew Discourse Markers. Helkat Lashon: A Journal for Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, (2012), 43-44: 482-487. [in Hebrew]
- Pink, S. (2009). Doing Sensory Ethnography. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, (2012), 16(2): 166-169.
- Waisman, O. S. (2010). Body, Language and Meaning in Conflict Situations. Israeli Sociology, (2012), 14(1): 215-218. [in Hebrew]
- Feldman, J. (2016). A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli. Israeli Sociology, (2017), 19(1): 189-191. [in Hebrew]
- Noy, C. (2004). “From Persuasion to Self-Transformation: Dialogical Genres of Narration in a Tourist Speech Community.” Texas Linguistic Forum, 48: 149-165. [On-line Journal; Conference proceedings].
- Noy, C., and Cohen, E. (2005). “Introduction: Backpacking as a Rite of Passage in Israel.” In Chaim Noy & Eric Cohen (eds.) Israeli Backpackers and Their Society: A View from Afar. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. Pp. 1-44.
- Cohen, E., and Noy, C. (2005). “Conclusion: A View from Afar.” In Chaim Noy & Eric Cohen (eds.) Israeli Backpackers and their Society: A View from Afar. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. Pp. 251-262.
- Noy, C. (2007). “The Materiality of Visitor Books: Observations from an Israeli Military Commemoration Site.” In materialworld blog. Available at: http://www.materialworldblog.com/2007/09/
- McIlvenny, P. and Noy, C. (2011). “Multimodal discourse in mediated spaces.” Social Semiotics, 21(2): 147-154.
Noy, C. (2016). (Ed.) Virtual Issue titled “Sampling.” Journal of Social Research Methodology. Available at: http://explore.tandfonline.com/page/bes/tsrm-sampling
- Noy, C. (2015). “Backpacker.” In Jafar Jafari & Honggen Xiao (eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing. Pp. 81-83.
(500 words)
- Bartesaghi, M., and Noy, C. (2015). “Interdiscursivity.” In Karen Tracy (ed.) & Cornelia Ilie, & Todd Sandel (assoc., eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 1-7. doi:10.1002/9781118611463.wbielsi093
(2,500 words)
- Noy, C. (2017). “Ethnography of Communication.” In Jörg Matthes (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons & The International Communication Association (ICA). Pp. -11.
ISBN: 978-1-118-90176-2
(5,070 words)
- 2001 – “Israeli Travelling Masculinities: Between Territory, Space and Place.” Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies. Washington DC: American University, May 15th-17th.
- 2002 – “Listening to Backpackers Narratives: On Quoting Voices and Voicing Quotations.” The 3rd Annual Conference of the Center for Folklore and Ethnography. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania, March 22nd.
- 2002 – “Caught Between Paradigms: Autoethnographic Deliberations on the Narrative of Writing a Narrative Dissertation.” Presented in the 2ndAnnual College of Education Interdisciplinary Qualitative Approaches to Research Colloquium. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University, February 28th.
- 2002 – “Narrative Research.” Pre-conference workshop given at the 2ndAnnual College of Education Interdisciplinary Qualitative Approaches to Research Colloquium. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University. February, 27th
- 2002 – “Listening to Backpackers’ Narratives: On Reported Speech and Voicing Quotations.” Presented at the Graduate Program of Folklore and Ethnography, The School for Arts and Sciences. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. February 22nd.
- 2002 – “The Write of Passage: Reflections on Writing a Dissertation in Narrative Methodology.” Presented in the Qualitative Inquiry Group (QUIG) Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia, January 4th.
- 2002 – Noy, C., and Schiff, B. “Making it Personal: The Social Character of Life Stories.” Co-presented at the Narrative Matters Conference. New Brunswick, Canada: St. Thomas University, May 16th.
- 2002 – “Narrative (as a) Rite of Passage: The case of Backpackers’ Stories of Personal Change and the Tourist Discourse of Authenticity.” Presented at the Narrative Matters Conference. New Brunswick, Canada: St. Thomas University, May 18th.
- 2002 – “Narratives of Body Hiking: Israeli Backpackers’ Construction of Body/Space.” Presented at the American Folklore Society Annual Meeting. Rochester, N.Y., October 17th.
- 2002 – “On Stories, Voices and Reported Talk.” Invited guest paper presented at the Qualitative Forum, the School of Research and Development. Tel-Aviv: The Mofet Institute, November, 19th. [Hebrew]
- 2002 – “Touristic Space – Israeli Place: Israeli Backpackers’ Enclaves in Asia and South America.” Presented at the Annual Conference of the Israeli Geographical Association, Beer Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, December 3rd. [Hebrew]
- 2003 – “Self and Self-Change in Israeli Backpackers’ Travel Narratives.” Presented at the Association at the Israeli Studies 19th Annual Conference. San Diego: University of California San Diego, April, 27th-29th.
- 2003 – “Identity and Self-Transformation in Travel Stories of Israeli Backpackers.” Presented at the Annual Conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Neveh Illan, May 28th. [Hebrew]
- 2003 – “Reported Speech and Quotations in Spoken Language and in the Media in Israel.” Presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, Jerusalem, June 15th. [Hebrew]
- 2003 – “Sociolinguistic Manifestation of Silencing the Representation of the ‘Other’ in Discourse in Israel.” Presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, Jerusalem, June 15th. [Hebrew]
- 2003 – “Performing Identity and the Touristic Discourse of Authenticity: Self-Transformation in Tourists’ Travel and Adventure Narratives.” Presented at the Second Tampere Conference on Narrative, Ideology, and Myth. Tampere, Finland, June 26th.
- 2003 – “Reported Speech, Voices and Community: Constructing Individual and Collective Identity in Contemporary Israel.” Keynote paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for Literacy and Language Annual Conference, Zikhron Ya’akov, June, 30th. [Hebrew]
- 2003 – “Engendered Spaces of Tourism: The Construction of a Feminine-Pastoral versus Masculine-Challenging Spaces among Israeli Tourists.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Geographers. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 21st December. [Hebrew]
- 2004 – “’Otherness’ Near and Far: Representations of the Native and the Tourist in Israeli Tourists’ Narratives.” Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Society. Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, February 25th. [Hebrew]
- 2004 - “Tourism and Identity in Israeli and Palestinian Past and Present: The Construction of Identities via Touristic Practices and Discourses.” Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 14th-16th. [Hebrew]
- 2005 – “Identity and Power in Tourism: A Critical Perspective.” Presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Tourism Researchers (IATF), Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, January 6th. [Hebrew]
- 2005 – “Processes of Institutionalization in Tourism: The History of Israeli Backpacking in Asia and South America.” Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Society, Tel-Chai: Tel-Chai College. February 17th. [Hebrew]
- 2005 – “The Culture of Instructions: A Pragmatic note on Three Communities of Speech and Practice in Israel.” Presented at the Annual Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University, June 14th. [Hebrew]
- 2005 – “A Sense of Tourism: A Tourist Autoethnography.” Presented at the Embodying Tourism Research: Advancing Critical Research conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, July 3rd.
- 2006 – “Snowball Sampling and Framing in In-Depth Interviews: Further Methodological Considerations.” Presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Methodologies, Tel-Aviv, June 5th. [Hebrew]
- 2006 – “(Auto)mobile (Auto)ethnography: Reflections on the Meaning of Driving in Jerusalem.” Presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Methodologies, Tel-Aviv, June 5th. [Hebrew]
- 2006 – “Tourism Institutionalization: A Contribution to Systemic-Historic Sociology.” Presented at the 4th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Tourism Researchers (IATF). Rehovot: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, February 16th. [Hebrew]
- 2006 – “Jules Verne’s Travel Narratives in Light of Modern Journeys and Tourism.” Presented at the “Representation of Science Conference: A Scientific-Literary Travel with Jules Verne Conference,” Haifa: University of Haifa. May 16th. [Hebrew]
- 2006 – “Everyday Conversational Etiquette: Contemporary Perceptions of Tact and Politeness in Israel.” Presented in a panel I headed, titled “Sociolinguistics and Ethics in Everyday,” at the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, February 23rd. [Hebrew]
- 2006 – “The Pragmatics of Ideology: Pleasure Rituals and the Performance of Authenticity in Israeli Backpackers’ Travel Stories.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Association. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, February 23rd. [Hebrew]
- 2006 – “’A Paradise 90 Minutes from Tel-Aviv’: Tourism Vacationscapes Modern Paradises.” Presented at the “Paradise Traditions Conference” of the Mendel Institute for Jewish Studies. Jerusalem: The Van-Leer Institute. November 5th. [Hebrew]
- 2006 – “Ethnography of ‘Motion-in-Stillness’: Sociolinguistic Findings from Visitors’/Guests’ Books in Israel.” Presented at the “Third Millennium Tourism” Workshop, Department of Anthropology and the School of Hotel Management and Tourism, Beer Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, November, 7th.
- 2006 – “Semiotic Perspectives on Israeli Driving.” Presented at the 47thConference of the Israel Geographical Society as part of a session I organized and chaired, titled “On Cars and Persons: Socio-Cultural aspects of Traffic and Transportation in Israeli Society.” Tel-Aviv, December 24th-25th. [Hebrew]
- 2007 – “Zionist and Eschatological Linguistic Ideologies: Ethnography of a Visitor Book in an Israeli War Commemoration Site.” Presented as part of a session I organized and chaired, titled “An Ethnographic Approach to Writing Practices,” at the 10th Annual Conference of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), Göteborg, Sweden, July 10th.
- 2008 – “’The Power is God’s Power: A Commemorative Visitor Book as a Site of Contestation.” Presented as part of a session I chaired, titled “Sites of Contestation.” The 39th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Society, Tel-Aviv, February 13th. [Hebrew]
- 2008 – “The Emergence of the (Academic) Text: Performing the Backstages of Academic Writing.” Presented as part of a session I chaired, titled “Autoethnographies, Dialogues, and Poetics in Qualitative Research in Israel.” The 3rd Annual Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research Methods (ICQM), Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. February 20th. [Hebrew]
- 2008 – “Knowledge in Motion: A Critical Hermeneutics of Sampling and Interviewing in Qualitative Research.” Presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of The Israeli Center for Qualitative Research Methods (ICQM), Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. February 20th. [Hebrew]
- 2008 – “The Ritual of the Text: Some Reflections on a Commemorative Visitor Book.” Presented as part of a session I chaired, titled “The Languages of the Field: Discourse as an Ethnographic Field of Study.” The 36th Annual Conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Kfar Saba: Beit Berl College, May 22nd [Hebrew]
- 2008 – “Discursive Proximities: Distances and Mobilities in an Israeli Commemorative Visitor Book.” Presented at the 38th International Institute of Sociology (IIS) World Congress. Budapest, June 29th.
- 2008 – “(Un)Mediated Interactions: Embodied Movements and Meanings In and Around a Visitor Book.” Presented at the Space = Interaction = Discourse Conference, Aalborg University, Denmark, November 12th-14th.
- 2008 – “Performing the ‘Father-Driver’: Embodied Interactions and Roles In and Through the Family-Car.” Presented at the Space = Interaction = Discourse Conference, Aalborg University, Denmark, November 12th-14th.
- 2008 – “’I Worship You—Israeli Soldiers’: Gender Performances at an Israeli Commemoration Site.” Presented at the “Gender and Nationality: Intersections of Confrontations” Conference. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University. November 25th. [Hebrew]
- 2009 – “The Construction of Other’s Spaces: Multimodal Analysis of ‘Terror Forecasts’ in Israeli Media.” Presented at 7th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Tourism Researchers (IATF). Haifa: University of Haifa. February 17th. [Hebrew]
- 2009 – “Transportation in Israel: Current Sociological Perspectives.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of The Israel Association for Transportation Research, Tel-Aviv. February 25th. [Hebrew]
- 2009 – Noy, C., and Kohn Ayelet. “Bin Laden on the Sinai Beach: Tourism, Media and the Anxiety of the Other.” Co-presented as part of a session I chaired titled “Tourism Sociology: Local Intersections.” The 40th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Sociological Society, Rishon LeZion. February 18th. [Hebrew]
- 2009 – “Tracing Ethnography: A Performance approach to the Ethnographer’s Dis/appearance.” Presented at the E·X·P·E·R·T·I·S·E: Media Specificity and Interdisciplinarity Conference, Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University. May 31st-June 4th, [Hebrew].
- 2009 – “Performing Participation/Performing Protest: The Semiotics of National Identity and Commemorative Rituals in a Heritage Site in Jerusalem.” Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS). Sha’ar Ha-Negev: Sapir College, June 1st-3rd. [Hebrew].
- 2009 – “Epistemologies and their Practices: A Performance approach to Ethnography in Tourism.” Presented at the 3rd Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) Conference, June 21st-24th, Zadar, Croatia.
- 2009 – “Performance and Discourse in Tourism: The Narratives Visitor Books Tell.” Presented at the 3rd Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) Conference, June 21st-24th, Zadar, Croatia.
- 2010 – “The Political Ends of Tourism: The Development of a Tourist Site in East Jerusalem.” Presented at 8th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Tourism Researchers (IATF). Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, February 17th. [Hebrew].
- 2010 – “Qualitative and Feminist Research: Two Reflexive Case Studies.” Presented at the 4th Annual Conference of The Israeli Center for Qualitative Research Methods (ICQM), Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, February 18th.
I also organized and chaired a session titled “Performance/Knowledge in Qualitative Research,” and served as a Discussant in another session titled “Odysseus and Columbus: An inquiry into voyages”. [Hebrew]
- 2010 – “Familial Interactions in Cars: Parents-Drivers and Children-Passengers on the ‘School Run.’” Presented at the International Conference on Conversation Analysis 2010 (ICCA10), Mannheim, Germany, July 4th-8th.
- 2010 – Noy, C., and Yadlin, O. “The Legal System and the Media in Israel.” Co-organized session at the Sederot Conference on Social Issues, Sapir-Sederot. November 10th, [Hebrew]
- 2010 – “Space, Heritage Tourism and Geopolitics in Silwan/the City of David.” Presented at the 51st Conference of the Israeli Geographical Association, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, December 12th, [Hebrew]
- 2011 – “Working toward building in the face of destruction: People to people processes.” Session chaired at the Gaza-Sderot Conference: Moving from Crisis to Sustainability. Sha’ar Ha-Negev: Sapir College, February 14th-17th. [Hebrew]
- 2011 – Hercbergs, D., and Noy, C. “The visual Management(s) of Jerusalem: Mobile Cartographies and Mobilized Ideologies.” Co-presented at the Tourism Imaginaries/Imaginaires Touristiques Conference, Berkeley, USA, February 18th-20th.
- 2011 – “Elites’ Commemoration Performances: Discourse Analysis of a ‘VIP’ Visitor Book in Israel.” Presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. Haifa: University of Haifa, April 14th. [Hebrew]
- 2011 – “Home Performed.” Session organized, chaired and discussed by me at the 39th Annual Conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Haifa: Haifa University, May 30th. [Hebrew]
- 2011 – “Performing Commemoration.” Special invited talk, the Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts. Amherst, MA. November 7th.
- 2012 – “Performance and Critical Approaches in Israel.” Session organized and chaired by me at the 6th Annual Conference of The Israeli Center for Qualitative Research Methods (ICQM), Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. February 2nd. [Hebrew]
- 2012 – Noy, C., and Meidar, K., “’What, already over?’ [ma, kvar nig’mar?]: The Discourse Marker ‘What’ [ma] in Spoken Hebrew and in New Media.” Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Linguistic Forum, Jerusalem: The David Yellin Teachers’ College. February 21st. [Hebrew]
- 2012 – “Performative Discourse Analysis.” Presented at the Discourse–Conversation–Communication Conference, March 21st-23rd, Loughborough University, UK.
- 2012 – “Bio-graphy and Mini-graphy: The Materialization of Civic Religions in the Israeli Context.” Presented at a Conference in Honor of Yoram Bilu. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. April 2nd. [Hebrew]
- 2012 – “Media and Communication in Museums – a comparative perspective.” Response paper delivered at the “Media and Communication in Museums.” Session I co-organized and co-chaired with DR. Jackie Feldman, at the 16th Annual Conference of the Israel Communication Association. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University. April 4th. [Hebrew]
- 2012 – “Dense and Tiny: are these Narratives? Contemplating the Analysis of Visitor Book Entries through Narrative Methodologies.” Presented at the Narrative Matters: Life and Narrative Conference. Paris: The American University of Paris. May 30th.
- 2012 – “Spaces Remembered/Places Performed: Reworking the Past in (and of) Ein-Karem.” Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS), Haifa: University of Haifa. June 25th-27th. [Hebrew].
- 2012 – “Communication and Symbolic Interaction” – session I chaired and responded to at the National Communication Association (NCA) 98thAnnual Convention. Orlando, November 16th.
- 2013 – “The Jerusalem-Tampa Line: Snippets, Anecdotes, and the Performance of a Family Travel-Narrative.” Presented at the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois, May 15th-18th.
I also Chaired an ‘Experts’ Panel titled, “New Directions in Narrative Inquiry.”
- 2013 – “’axi, ma- ze nishma kemo shem Aravi ma’ [bro, what- it sound like an Arabic name, what]: The Hebrew Discourse Marker ma in Spoken and Written Interactions.” Presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), London, June 17th-21st.
I also chaired the session titled, “Technologically-mediated Interactions: Problems and Promises for Civic Engagement and Interpersonal Interactions.”
- 2013 – “Audiences’ Utterances: How Addressivity Structures Shape Museum Performance.” Invited presentation at the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). Chicago, November 20th-24th.
- 2014 – “Addressivities, Identities, and Written Interactions in Heritage Museums.” Presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Seattle, May 22nd-26th.
- 2014 – “The Neoliberal Looking Glass of Tourism.” Presented in the 10thInternational Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois, May 21st-24th.
- 2014 – Hercbergs, D., and Noy, C. “The Davidization of Jerusalem: Visualizing political shifts in the Holy City.” Presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS), Sede-Boqer: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, June 23rd-25th.
- 2014 – “The Effects of Tourism: How Contemporary Visual Media Transforms Tourists into Publics.” Presentation chosen as part of the Anthropology of Tourism Interest Group Session titled, “Structuring and Shaping the Anthropology of Tourism.”
The 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Washington DC. December 3rd-7th.
- 2014 – “’Jews are Awesome’: Mediated Publics, Performance, and Written Interactions in Two Heritage Museums.” Presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 100th Annual Convention. Chicago, November 20th-23rd.
- 2014 – “’Look at me! Look at me!’: Screens, Selves and Mediatized Publics.” Presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 100th Annual Convention, Chicago, November 20th-23rd.
- 2014 – “’Thank You for Dying for Our Country’: Performing Commemoration at Ammunition Hill.” Special invited talk by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Chicago Center for Jewish Studies, Chicago: The University of Chicago, November 21st.
- 2015 – “Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Discourse.” Invited research colloquium paper presented at the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), Beer-Sheva: The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. January 19th. [Hebrew]
- 2015 – “Towards a Rhetoric of Participation: Writings (and Readings) in Heritage Sites and Museums.” Presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Communication Association, Ra’anana: The Open University, Israel. April 1st. [Hebrew]
- 2015 – “Autoethnography: Critical and Ethical Notes.” Invited paper and workshop presented at the Mofet Institute, Tel-Aviv, May 14th. [Hebrew]
- 2015 – “’Oh Lord have Mercy!’: Visual Media and Public Mediatization in Theme Parks.” Presented at the International Communication Association’s (ICA) 65th Annual Conference, Puerto Rico, May 21st-25th.
- 2015 – “Future Directions in Ethnography of Communication.” Invited paper for ICA’s Blue Sky Workshop, titled “Ethnography of Communication, presented at the International Communication Association’s (ICA) 65th Annual Conference, Puerto Rico, May 21st-25th.
- 2015 – “Participation and Civic Responsibility: Public Texts and the Practices of Writing in a Jewish Heritage Museum in the Unites States.” Presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Israeli Anthropological Association, Ashkelon: Ashkelon Academic College. June 11th. [Hebrew]
- 2015 –“’Can Israel be a Jewish and a Democratic State?”’: Linguistic Ethnography at the National Museum of American Jewish History.” Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society, Tel-Aviv, June 29th. [Hebrew]
- 2015 – “Participatory Media ‘New’ and ‘Old’: Remediation and the Work of Commenting Media in Museums.” Presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 101st Annual Convention, Las Vegas, November 19th-22nd.
I also served as Respondent to a double session titled “Experimental Tourism: Mapping and Performing Las Vegas,” organized by the NCA’s Opportunities Regarding Research workshop.
- 2015 – “Writing Practices: An Ethnographic Study of Visitors’ Texts and Textual practices in Heritage Museums.” Presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 101st Annual Convention, Las Vegas, November 19th-22nd.
- 2015 – “Thank You for Dying for Our Country: Discourse and Participatory Pubic Media in Jewish Museums.” Invited colloquium paper presented at The Noah Mozes Department of Communication and Journalism, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem., November 24th. [Hebrew]
- 2016 – “Writing Practices, Collective Identity and National Commemoration: Making Methods Converge in the Analysis of Visitor Discourse in Ammunition Hill in East Jerusalem.” Invited colloquium paper presented at The School of Education, Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, December 8th. [Hebrew]
- 2015 – “Reading and Writing in Sites of Heritage: Ethnographic Insights from Three Jewish Museums.” Invited paper presented at colloquium at the Department of Education, Haifa: The University of Haifa. December 25th. [Hebrew]
- 2016 – “Ethnographic Approaches to Language and Discourse: Insights from Six Years of Ethnography at Ammunition Hill Commemoration Site.” Presented as part of a panel I co-organized and co-chaired with Dr. Michal Hamo, titled “Combining Methods in Discourse Analysis: Lessons from Chaim Noy’s Thank You for Dying for Our Country.” The 7th Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), February 8th-9th, Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. [Hebrew]
- 2016 – Respondent at the Plenary Roundtable titled “Future directions in Qualitative Inquiry.” The 7th Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), February 8th-9th, Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. [Hebrew]
- 2016 – “Heritage Tourists at Heritage Sites: Texts and Voices from the Visitor Book at the Ammunition Hill National Commemoration Museum.” Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting for the Israeli Tourism Studies Association, Ashkelon: Ashkelon Academic College. February 17th. [Hebrew]
- 2016 – “Visitors’ Voices at the Ammunition Hill National Commemoration Site.” Invited paper for the 3rd “Days of Jerusalem Conference.” Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, March 31st. [Hebrew]
- 2016 – “Entitlements for Participation in the Public Sphere: Ethnography of Communication and Discourse Analysis of the Florida Holocaust Museum Visitor Book.” Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Communication Association, Kinneret: Kinneret Academic College, April 17th. [Hebrew]
- 2016 –“Body (of Work)” and “Who Remembers the Remembering Museum?” Two invited Panel Responses. Presented in the 44th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Anthropological Association, Kinneret: Kinneret Academic College, June 8th-9th. [Hebrew]
- 2016 – “‘Thank You for Dying for Our Country’: Performing Commemoration at Ammunition Hill National Memoria Site,” Presented in the 32nd Association for Israel Studies (AIS) Annual Conference, Jerusalem, June 20th-22nd.
- 2016 – “Contemplating Playful Images of the Self: Photos of Roller-Coaster Riders and the Work of Self-Recognition.” Presented at the 17thAnnual Convention of the Media Ecology Association (MEA), Bologna: University of Bologna, Italy, June 23rd-26th.
- 2016 – “Participatory Media New and Old: Semiotics and Affordances of Museum Media.” Presented in the 17th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association (MEA), Bologna: University of Bologna, Italy, June 23rd-26th.
- 2016 – “Participatory Media and Discourse in Heritage Museums: Notes on the Public Sphere.” Presented at the National Communication Association (NCA) 102nd Annual Convention, Philadelphia, November 10th-13th.
I also chaired a Media Ecology Division session titled, “A Media Ecological Look at Mass-Mediated Framing and Online Identity Construction.”
- 2017 – “Knowledge and Data: Diversifying and Mixing Methods in Qualitative Research.” Invited paper presented at the Graduate Students Research Forum, the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), Be’er Sheva: The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, January 2nd. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – “Collective Memory and Museum Visitors’ Participatory Discourse: A Comparative Ethnography of Commenting Platforms in Two Heritage/Memorial Museums.” Presented at the “Going Home: Familiarity, Memory and Atmosphere in German and Israeli Museums” Conference (GIF Concluding Workshop). Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, January 4th-6th.
- 2017 – “Success at Writing and Submitting Papers: Making the Case for Qualitative Publications.” Presented at the Communication Graduate Students Forum of the Israeli Communication Association. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, January 13th. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – “Ambiguity and Secrecy in the Academe.” Respondent and Concluding Notes presented at the “Behind the Scenes in Graduate Studies: Tensions, Dilemmas, and Insights” colloquium. Organized by the Graduate Student Bodies in the Israeli Anthropological Association and the Israeli Sociological Association. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, January 15th. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – “Memory and Identity in Heritage Tourism: A Comparative Discourse Analysis Perspective.” Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Tourism Researchers (IATF). Jerusalem: The Ministry of Tourism, February 21st-22nd. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – “Co-narrating Heritage?: A Comparative Study of Audience Public Participation in Two Museums.” Presented at the Museums and Their Publics at Sites of Conflicted History Conference. Warsaw: The POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, March 13th-15th.
I also served as a Respondent for a session titled “Emotions and Experience.”
- 2017 – “Knowledge/Data: Diversifying Methods in Qualitative Research.” Invited research colloquium paper presented at the Graduate Students Research Forum, the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), Be’er-Sheva: The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. March 20th. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – “Museums, Communication, and the Public Sphere: Analysis of Visitor Discourse in two Jewish Heritage Museums in the United States and Israel.” Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Israeli Communication Association. Sha’ar Ha-Negev: Sapir College, April 2nd. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – “Newer and Older Commenting Platforms in Museums: Audiencing Practices across the Digital Divide.” Presented at the 2nd Tel-Aviv Communication Conference: The Future of Old Media. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, April 19th-20th.
- 2017 – “’All the World’s a Stage’: Academic Research and Knowledge from a Performance Approach Perspective.” Invited paper presented at the opening meeting of the “Performance Studies Series.” The Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM). Be’er-Sheva: The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, June 7th. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – Invited Response for “Tales of Telling” – lecture by Prof. Theo van Leeuwen (University of Southern Denmark). Presented at the Annual Shoshana Blum-Kulka Memorial Lecture, The Noah Mozes Department of Communication and Journalism. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 9th.
- 2017 – “A Linguistic Anthropologist in the Museum.” Presented as part of a session I organized and chaired titled “Linguistic Anthropology Today: Critical Directions.” The 45th Annual Conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association, Kafr Qasem. May 17th-18th. [Hebrew]
- 2017 – “Moral Argumentation in the Public Sphere: Studying Museum Visitor Discourse.” Paper accepted but not presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego. May 25th-29th.
- 2017 – “Museum Visitors’ Public Stance-Taking Articulations: Findings from Discourse in Three Heritage Museums in the USA and Israel.” Presented in the 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, July 16th-21st.
- 2017 – “’Does America have a Responsibility to Promote Democracy Abroad?’: Moral Discourse and Argumentation in the Public Sphere.” Presented at the International Association for Dialogue Analysis Conference (IADA): “Dialogue, interaction and culture: Multidisciplinary perspectives on language use in everyday life.” Bologna, Italy, October 11th-14th.
- 2017 – “Entitlement for Participation in the Public Sphere: Affordances across Media.” Presented in the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA) Conference: “Dialogue, interaction and culture: Multidisciplinary perspectives on language use in everyday life.” Bologna, Italy, October 11th-14th.
I also Chaired the Parallel Session #2.
- 2017 – “Museum audience’s rhetoric of remembering.” Presented in the National Communication Association 103rd Annual Convention, November 16th-19th in Dallas, Texas.
- 2017 – “Stance-taking as participation in the public sphere: Insights from studying museum visitors’ discourse.” Presented in the National Communication Association 103rd Annual Convention, November 16th-19thin Dallas, Texas.
- 2017 – “Ethnography of Communication in Museal Contexts: Text, Writing, Musealization.” Invited talk delivered at the Discourse, Narratives and Identities: A Conference in the Honor of the Retirement of Professor Esther Schely-Newman. The Noah Mozes Department of Communication and Journalism. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, November 6th-7th, Jerusalem. [Hebrew]
- 2018 – ““Future directions in Qualitative Inquiry.” Concluding Plenary Roundtable, the Bi-Annual Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), January 6th-7th, Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. [Hebrew]
“The body in qualitative research,” “Current issues in discourse analysis,” and “Linguistic and discourse analysis assisting qualitative research.” Three conference panels organized, and to be chaired and discussed (the first two co-organized and co-chaired with Maya Maor and Michal Hamo, respectively). The Bi-Annual Conference of the Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies (ICQM), January 6th-7th, Be’er Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. [Hebrew]
- 2018 – “Museums and tourism in the age of participation.” paper to be presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Israeli Tourism Studies Association, February 14th-15th, Kinneret College, Israel. [Hebrew]
- 2018 – “Thoughts on the concept of Dialogue.” Talk given at the Dialogue in the Public Sphere research group. December 25th, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University.
- 2018 – “Place of holiness.” Invited talk to be presented at the Holiness, Religion and Sacralization seminar, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, April 16th, Jerusalem.
- 2018- “Linguistic anthropology in museums new and old: Ethnographic notes on materiality, mediality, and the semiotics of writing.” Paper to be presented at the Society for Linguistic Anthropology Inaugural Conference, March 8th-10th, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
- 2018- Noy. C. (2018). “Stance-rich discourse: Stance, repetition, and evaluation in written public discourse in museums,” and “Envoicement: The discoursal and material interactional design of voicing in the public sphere.” Two papers to be presented at the 68th Annual International Communication Association Conference, May 24th-28th, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2018- Noy, C. (2018). “Museum-Audience Interactions: A Threefold Comparative Study of Identities and Entitlements.” Paper to be presented at the XIX International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, July 15th-21st, Toronto, Canada.
Last Updated Date : 06/11/2024