Dr. Sharon Haleva-Amir
1995 – LLB – Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
2005 – MA – Information Science (Internet Studies track), Bar Ilan University
MA Thesis: Israeli Educational Internet Sites for Children: Content Analysis and Evaluation. Supervisor – Prof. Shifra Baruchson Arbiv
2014 – PhD - Faculty of Law, University of Haifa.
PhD Dissertation: Web Applications in the Service of Knesset Members: Personal Israeli Politics in the Digital Era.
Supervisor: Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren,
2010 - 2019 – Research Fellow, Center for Law & Technology (HCLT), University of Haifa
2012 – 2016 - Adjunct Lecturer, Information Science Program, Beit Berl Academic College
2013 – 2016 - Adjunct Lecturer, MA Executive program in Political Communication, Political Science Department, Tel Aviv University
2016 – Present – Faculty member, School of Communication, Bar Ilan University
Summer 2018 - Visiting Research Fellow – Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT), Tilburg University, the Netherlands
My project on TILT had addressed the fundamental issue of politicians’ blocking habits on Facebook through the case study of Israeli Parliament Members. An issue that corresponds with the key area of the evolving digital society as it refers both to power structures as well as to new forms of governance.
SSRN Author Page: http://ssrn.com/author=1227022
e- Politics; e-Democracy; Political Communication
Law & Technology; Law & Democracy
Society & Technology
Internet Studies Methodology
Qualitative Studies Methodology
My academic focus lies between new technologies and the public sphere in three different dimensions: (1) the political - communicative dimension; (2) the public democratic dimension and (3) the legal dimension; and within the interdisciplinary field of e-Politics, which studies the novelties of personal political use of new technologies.
Inter alia I study
- Parliamentarians’ political online platforms usage for political marketing and as a means of communication;
- electoral digital campaigns;
- big data era’s impact on political campaigns
- concept of elections as a democratic procedure in an age in which the concept of truth loses its essence
- censorship practices and polarization of online political discourse
- constituents’ management application and surveillance
- SHABAC, state surveillance and the corona
- Corona’s impact on public and academic libraries (online communications practices)
- Health communication
- Epistemological communities in health crisis situation
Media Law
Media Law for international students
New Media Introduction – Technology & Society
New Media Intro – International Program
Open Government
Digital Campaigns
The Political Web (MA Course; Undergrad Course; Seminar)
Changing Concepts in the Digital Era
Legal and Social Sciences Databases
Science Literacy; Research and Information Retrieval
(Teaching introductory and advanced courses; seminars and workshops; Hebrew and English courses; Frontal, Zoom and Online courses; Undergraduate and Graduate Levels)
1. Sharon Haleva-Amir, "Present – Absentees: MKs Usage of Personal Internet Tools", in Erez Cohen & Azi Lev-On (eds.) Connected: Politics and Technology in Israel (Tel Aviv: Israeli Political Science Association, 2011) (Hebrew), 211-261.
2. Sharon Haleva-Amir, “Political Communication: Online Campaigns in the Elections for the 19th Knesset” in Rafi Mann & Azi Lev-On (eds.) Annual Report: Israeli Media 2013- Agendas, Usages and Trends (New Media, Society & Politics Institute, Ariel University Center 2014) (Hebrew), 79-90.
3. Sharon Haleva-Amir, “Talking to Themselves: Classification of Facebook's Political Usages and Representatives' Roles among Israeli Members of Knesset”, in Alex Frame & Gilles Brachotte (eds.) Forms and Functions of Political Participation in a Digital World (NYC, NY: Routledge, 2016), 13-24.
4. Sharon Haleva-Amir & Karine Nahon, “Electoral Politics on Social Media: The Israeli Case” in Axel Bruns, Gunn Enli, Eli Skogerbo, Anders Olof Larsson & Christian Christensen (eds.), Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics (NYC, NY: Routledge, 2016), 471-487.
1. Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Sharon Haleva-Amir, "The Israel-Hezbollah War and the Winograd Committee", Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 2 (Oct 2008), 27-44;
(Also published as "The Israel-Hezbollah War and the Winograd Committee" in Athina Karatzogianni (ed.) Violence and War in Culture and the Media: Five Disciplinary Lenses (London and NY: Routledge, 2011), 171-187).
2. Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Sharon Haleva-Amir, "Bloody Wednesday in Dawson College - The Story of Kimveer Gil, or Why Should We Monitor Certain Websites to Prevent Murders", Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology, 2(3), Article 1 (Dec 2008).
3. Sharon Haleva-Amir, "Online Israeli Politics: The Current State of the Art", Israel Affairs 17(3) (2011), 467-485;
(Also published as "Online Israeli Politics: The Current State of the Art", in Gideon Doron & Azi Lev-On (eds.) New Media, Politics and Society in Israel (New York: Routledge, 2012).
4. Raphael Cohen Almagor & Sharon Haleva-Amir, "Why Monitor Violent Websites? A Justification", Beijing Law Review 3(2) (2012), 64-71.
5. Sharon Haleva–Amir, "MKs Usage of Personal Internet Tools, 2009: On the Verge of a New Decade", World Political Science Review, 9(1) (2013), 219-261.
6. Sharon Haleva-Amir, “Not All about that Facebook: Political Campaigns and Civic Engagement in the 2015 Elections”, Israel Affairs, 22(3-4) (2016), 711-726;
(Also published as “Not all about that Facebook: political campaigns and civic engagement in the 2015 elections”, in Eithan Orkibi & Manfred Gerstenfeld (eds.) Israel at the Polls 2015 (New York: Routledge, 2017)).
7. Azi Lev-On & Sharon Haleva-Amir, “Normalizing or Equalizing? Characterizing Facebook Campaigns”, New Media & Society 20(2) (2018), 720-739.
8. Sharon Haleva-Amir, “Equal Outset, Normal Completion: Cross-Platform Analysis of PLCs’ (Parties, Leaders, Candidates) Social Media Presence in the 2015 Electoral Campaign”, Israel Affairs 27(4) (2021), 750-772 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13537121.2021.1940563
9. Ron Feldman, Yaniv Nudelman, Sharon Haleva-Amir & Noa Ben-Ami, “Patients' Prior Perceptions and Expectations of the Enhanced Transtheoretical Model Intervention for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Qualitative Study”, Musculoskeletal Care (2021), https://doi.org/10.1002/msc.1600
10. Sharon Haleva-Amir, “2019/2020 Israeli Electoral Digital Campaigns – Pits and Falls”, Israel Affairs, special issue “Israel at the Polls 2019-20: Political Identities in Crises” (forthcoming)
Last Updated Date : 18/12/2022