Dr. Barak Bouks


    Dr. Barak Bouks, Ph.D. (Bar-Ilan University, 2016), specializes in Religion & Terror. I won a scholarship, to attend and present a paper, at UCSIA's Summer school, The University of Antwerp, Belgium, Under the theme "Is Faith-based Violence Religious". In 2017, I served as committee member of the Jabotinsky Prize for Literature and Research. Throughout 2017-2018, I was elected as a peer reviewer for the journals Terrorism and Political Violence, Religion State and Society & Conflict Management and Peace Science. In 2020, I was nominated as an Editorial Team Member and the head of a consulting refereed regulation team, of the Scientific Journal "Security Science Journal", published by the Institute for National and International Security (Serbia) & The Europa Institute (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), The Research Institute for European and American Studies - RIEAS (Greece) and ITS – Institute for Transnational Studies (Germany). Main research interests are Terror & Religion, Middle-East & Security (Focusing in Lebanon), Arab Media (Focusing in Middle-Eastern regional media), conducting surveys, as well as qualitative & quantitative analysis (SPSS & Excel). In addition, Dr. Bouks serves as a commentator in the Israeli electronic media: Radio (Radio Eretz, Galei Tzahal) & T.V Channel I24 News.

    Last Updated Date : 18/12/2022