פרופ' שמואל ליימן-ווילציג
קורות חיים
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig (B.A. Political Science, CCNY, 1971, summa cum laude; PhD in Government, Harvard U, 1976) has taught at the Dept. of Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University (BIU), since 1977, and presently in BIU's newly established School of Communication, where he also serves as Deputy Director. He served as Lipinsky Visiting Scholar at San Diego State University, 1989-90, Schusterman Visiting Israeli Scholar at Brown University during 2008-09, and Visiting Scholar in Israel Studies, Spring 2013 at U of Maryland (College Park).
He has served as: Head of BIU’s Division of Journalism & Mass Communication Studies (1991-1996); Chairman of the Israel Political Science Association (1997-1999); Chairman of the Political Studies Department (2004-2007). He has supervised (to completion) 55 Masters theses and 15 PhD dissertations -- most in Mass Communications.
Prof. Lehman-Wilzig's fields of expertise are: New Media; Journalism; Information Society; Science & Technology Studies (STS); Israeli Election Media Campaigns; and (formerly) Israeli Extra-Parliamentary Behavior. He has published 33 academic articles, 17 book chapters and two academic books in English (one translated to Hebrew), and has presented over 50 papers at international academic conferences and university seminars. Currently, he is finishing a book-length manuscript entitled "Virtuality and Humanity", analyzing the history of virtuality since the beginnings of human society. He currently teaches these courses: 1- New Media: Technology & Society; 2- The Information Age; 3- The Internet Revolution.
תקשורת חדשה (אינטרנט, טלפוניה אלחוטית, תקשורת דיגיטלית וכו'): א- התפתחות אבולוציונית; ב- השפעות חברתיות ופוליטיות; ג- וירטואליות.
פוליטיקה ישראלית (במיוחד תקשורת פוליטית, מחאה ציבורית ומערכות חברתיות חלופיות).
עידן המידע: תכנון, חיזוי ומדיניות ציבורית.
המסורת הפוליטית היהודית
Books As Author
Stiff-Necked People, Bottle-Necked System: The Evolution and Roots of Israeli Public Protest, 1949-1986 Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1990
WILDFIRE: Grassroots Revolts in Israel in the Post-Socialist Era, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1992
Books as Editor
with Bernard Susser, Comparative Jewish Politics: Public Life in Israel and the Diaspora, Ramat Gan:Bar-Ilan University Press, 1989
Chapters in Books
Public Protest and Systemic Stability in Israel: 1960-1979, in Comparative Jewish Politics: Public Life in Israel and the Diaspora (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1981), pp. 171-210
Thunder Before the Storm: Pre-Election Agitation and Post-Election Turmoil, in The Elections in Israel - 1981, ed. Asher Arian (Tel Aviv: Ramot Press, 1983), pp. 191-211
Demoskraty’ in the Mega-Polis: Hyper-Participation in the Post-Industrial Age, in The Future of Politics, ed. William Page (London: Frances Pinter, 1983), pp. 221-229. Reprinted in World Future Society Bulletin Summer 1983
"Conflict as Communication: Public Protest in Israel, 1950-1982," in Conflict and Consensus in Jewish Politics, eds. Stuart Cohen & Eliezer Don-Yehiya (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1986), pp. 128-145
"Israel," MASS MEDIA IN THE MIDDLE EAST: A Comprehensive Reference Guide, Y.R Kamalipour & H. Mowlana, eds. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994), pp. 109-125. (Co-authored with Amit
"Israel’s 1992 Media Campaign: Towards the Americanization of Israeli Elections?" in Israel at the Polls, 1992, D.J. Elazar & S. Sandler, eds. (Lanham MD: Rowman Littlefield, 1995), pp. 251-280
"Social Cleavages in Israeli Society in the Twenty-First Century and their Effects on Police Work" [Hebrew], Policing Israel in the Twenty-First Century, vol. 1 (Jerusalem: Jerusalem Center for Israeli Affairs, 1997), pp. 89-113.
"The Paradox of Israeli Civil Disobedience and Political Revolt in Light of the Jewish Tradition," Liberal Democracy and the Limits of Tolerance, R. Cohen-Almagor, ed. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000), pp. 114-132
"National vs. Global Public Discourse in the Era of Multi-Channelism: The Introduction of Commercial and Cable Television in Israel as an Empirical Test of Habermas’ Theory," in Beyond Public Speech and Symbols: Explorations in the Rhetoric of Politicians and the Media, C. de Landtsheer & O. Feldman, eds. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000), pp. 100-119 ,Co-authored with Mira Moshe
"An Exploratory Model of Media-Government Relations in International Crises: U.S. Involvement in Bosnia, 1992-1995," in Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Policy Making, Shaping Opinions, E. Gilboa, ed. (Ardsley, NY: Transnational, 2002), pp. 153-173. Co-authored with Yaeli Bloch)
"The Editorial Gap Between Ideal and Real: Do Television News Editors/Journalists Broadcast What They Believe Their Audience Wants?", in Changing Media Markets in Europe and Abroad: New Ways of Handling Information and Entertainment Content, Angela Schorr and Stefan Seltmann, eds. (Lengerich/Berlin, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers, 2006), pp.127-147 ,co-authored with Tiki Balas
"Under Fire: Framing Classic and 'New Patriotism' in Israel's Elite and Popular Press during the El-Aqsa Intifada and the World Trade Center Terror Attacks," in T. Pludowski, ed. Terrorism, Media and Society (Torun, Poland & Spokane, WA: Collegium Civitas Press & Marquette Press, 2006), pp. 177-196,co-authored with Mira Moshe
"Media Functioning during a Violent International Crisis: Differences between Elite and Popular Press Coverage of American Policy in Bosnia (1992-1995)," in Media and Political Violence, H. Nossek, A. Sreberny, P. Sonwalker, eds. (NJ: Hampton Press, 2007), pp. 119-142. co-authored with Yaeli Bloch-Elkon
"RARE TO MEDIUM: A Full Taxonomy of Elements for Assessing How Well (Done) the Internet's Unique Capabilities are Currently Exploited by e-Magazines," in The Toronto School of Communication Theory: Interpretations, Extensions, Applications, Rita Watson & Menachem Blondheim, eds. (Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press and Toronto University Press, 2008), pp. 272-304. co-authored with Nava Cohen-Avigdor
Articles in periodicals
"Proto-Zionism and its Proto-Herzl: The Philosophy and Efforts of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer," Tradition, vol. 16, #1 (Summer 1976), pp. 56-76
"Science Fiction as Futurist Prediction: Alternative Visions of Heinlein and Clarke," The Literary Review, vol. 20, #2 (Winter 1977), pp. 133-151
"The House of Rothschild: Prototype of the Transnational Organization," Jewish Social Studies, vol. XL, #3-4 (Summer-Fall, 1978), pp. 251-270
"Frankenstein Unbound: Toward a Legal Definition of Artificial Intelligence," FUTURES: The Journal of Forecasting and Planning, vol. 13, #6 (Dec. 1981), pp. 442-457
"Public Protests Against Central and Local Government in Israel, 1950-1979," The Jewish Journal of Sociology, vol. 24, #2 (Dec. 1982), pp. 99-115
"The Israeli Protester," The Jerusalem Quarterly, #26 (Winter 1982), pp. 127-138
"Public Demonstrators and the Israeli Police: The Policy and Practice of Successful Protest Control," Police Studies, vol. 6, #2 (Summer 1983), pp. 44-52
"Religious Protest and Police Reaction in a Theo-Democracy: Israel, 1950-1979," The Journal of Church and State, vol. 25, #3 (Autumn 1983), pp. 491-505. Co-authored with Giora Goldberg (equal credit
"The Economic and Political Determinants of Public Protest Frequency and Magnitude: The Israeli Experience," International Review of Modern Sociology, vol. 15 (Spring 1985), pp. 63-80. Co-authored with Meir Unger
"Protest, Television, Newspapers, and the Public: Who Influences Whom?" Political Communication and Persuasion, vol. 6, #1 (Fall 1989), pp. 21-32. Reprinted in: Herzog, H. & Ben Rafael, E. (eds.) Language and Communications in Israel (New Brunswick, London: Transaction Publishers, 2001), pp. 519-534
"‘Am K’shey Oref’: Oppositionism in the Jewish Political Tradition," JUDAISM: A Quarterly Journal, vol. 40, #1 (Winter 1991), pp. 16-38
"May’avdut Le’herut: Israeli Grassroots Revolts Against the Paternalistic Socialist System," SHOFAR: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 10, #1 (Fall 1991), pp. 11-22
"Loyalty, Voice, and Quasi-Exit: Israel as a Case Study of Proliferating Alternative Politics," Comparative Politics, vol. 24, #1 (Oct. 1991), pp. 97-10
Copying the Master? Patterns of Israeli-Arab Protest, 1950-1990, Asian & African Studies, vol. 27, 1993, pp. 129-147
"הרחבת פעילות החוץ-פרלמנטריות: התייחסות דעת הקהל למערכות חלופיות והשימוש בהן," מדינה, ממשל ויחב"ל, גיליון 39 (קיץ 1994), עמ' 31- 60. מחברת משותפת: גילה קורץ.
"The Media Campaign: The Negative Effects of Positive Campaigning," Israel Affairs, vol. 4, #1 (Fall 1997), pp. 167-186.
"The Tower of Babel vs the power of babble: Future political, economic, & cultural consequences of synchronous, automated translation systems (SATS)," new media & society, vol. 2, #4 (Dec. 2000), pp. 467-494
"LA BELL(E) EPOQUE? A Comparison of Party Platform and TV Propaganda Ideology in the 1999 Israeli Elections," Israel Affairs, vol. 7, #2&3 (Winter/Spring 2001), pp. 245-268. Co-authored with Atara Faran-Frankel
"Political Ill-Health Coverage: Professional-Ethical Questions Regarding News Reporting of Leaders’ Ailments," Journal of Health Communication, vol. 8, #1 (January-February 2003), pp. 59-77
"Whose News? Does Gender Determine the Editorial Product?" European Journal of Communication, vol. 18, #1 (March 2003), pp. 5-29. (Co-authored with Aliza Lavie)
"The Natural Life Cycle of New Media Evolution: Inter-Media Struggle for Survival in the Internet Age," new media & society (co-authored with Nava Cohen-Avigdor) (Dec. 2004, vol. 6, #6), pp. 707-730
מאמר זה הופיע קודם ב- פתו"ח: כתב-עת לפוליטיקה, תקשורת וחברה, גיליון 5 (2003), עמ' 64- 113.
"Worth an Agora? 2003 E-lection Party Sites and Public Discourse," Israel Affairs, vol. 10, #4 (Summer 2004), pp. 242-262.
"The Method is the Message: Explaining Inconsistent Research Findings in Gender & News Production Research," Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, vol. 6, #1 (Feb. 2005), pp. 69-92. Co-authored with Aliza Lavie
"The Media in the 2006 Israeli Elections: Who’s Manufacturing Consent? Framing the Spin-Doctors," Israel Affairs, vol. 13, #2 (April 2007), pp. 418-442. Co-authored with Dr. Atara Frenkel-Faran
"Information Processing of Advertising Among Young People: The Elaboration Likelihood Model as Applied to Youth," Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 47, # 3 (Sept. 2007), pp. 326-340. Co-authored with Dr. Tali Harari-Teeni & Dr. Shlomo Lampert
"The Importance of Product Involvement for Predicting Advertising Effectiveness among Young People," International Journal of Advertising, vol. 28, #2 (May 2009), pp. 203-229, with Dr. Tali Harari-Teeni & Dr. Shlomo Lampert
"Hard News, Soft News, General News: The Necessity and Utility of an Intermediate Classification," Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, vol. 11, #1 (Jan.-Feb. 2010), pp. 37-56, with Dr. Michal
"Factors Underlying Organizations' Successful Press Release Publication in Newspapers: Additional PR Elements for the Evolving 'Press Agentry' and 'Public Information Models'," International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 4, #4 (October 2010), pp. 244-266 (with Dr. Michal Seletzky
Sam Lehman-Wilzig, Ph.D., and Michal Seletzky, Ph.D., "Elite and Popular Newspaper Publication of Press, Releases: Differential Success Factors?", Public Relations Journal Vol. 6, No. 1, ISSN 1942-4604, © 2012 Public Relations Society of America
Reviews of Books in periodicals
Reviewed in ISRAEL: State and Society, 1948-1988 - Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. 5, ed. Peter Medding (Jerusalem: Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, 1989), pp. 325-328
Gadi Wolfsfeld, The Politics of Provocation: Participation and Protest in Israel (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1989), reviewed in Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. 8, eds. J. Frankel, P. Medding, & E. Mendelsohn, Jerusalem: Jerusalem Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1992
Ehud Sprinzak, The Ascendance of Israel’s Radical Right (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), reviewed in Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. 10 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), pp. 428-430
Rafi Cohen-Almagor, The Boundaries of Liberty and Tolerance: The Struggle Against Kahanism in Israel (Gainesville, FL: Univ. Of Florida Press, 1994), reviewed in Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. 11, ibid. (1995), pp. 340-343
Reuven Kaminer, The Politics of Protest: The Israeli Peace Movement and the Palestinian Intifada (Brighton, UK: Sussex Academic Press, 1996), reviewed in Studies in Contemporary Jewry, vol. 16, ibid. (2001), pp. 381-383.
Dan Caspi and Yehiel Limor, The In/Outsiders: Mass Media in Israel (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1999
ביקורת ספר במגמות, 41(4), מאי 2002, עמ' 657- 659.
Yoram Peri, Telepopulism: Media and Politics in Israel (Stanford: Stanford U Press, 2004), reviewed in Middle East Journal, vol. 58, #4 (Autumn 2004), pp. 691-692
Yael Yishai, Civil Society in Israel, Jerusalem: Carmel Publications, 2003
Gabriel Weimann, Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, The New Challenges (Washington, DC: The Washington Institute of Peace Press'
Tal Samuel-Azran & Dan Caspi (eds.), New Media and Innovative Technologies (Beersheva and Mevasseret Tzion: Burda Center for Innovative Communications – Ben-Gurion University; Tzivonim Publishing, 2008
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/07/2022