פרופ׳ חבר; ראש התוכנית הבינלאומית באנגלית
פרופ׳ חבר; ראש התוכנית הבינלאומית באנגלית

פרופ' יעלי בלוך-אלקון

בנין 109, חדר 18
שעות קבלה
יום ב', 13:00-12:00 (בתיאום מראש)
    קורות חיים

    Yaeli Bloch-Elkon, PhD, is an associated professor of Communications and Political Science at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

    Prof. Bloch-Elkon is a senior research fellow at the university’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), and an associate research scholar at Columbia University’s Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) where she is also a member of a research group in the department of Political Science.

    Born in NYC, she was educated at Bar-Ilan University specializing in Political Studies and Communications (B.A. 1997, Summa Cum Lauda; Professional Diploma in Mass Media and Communications, 1997, Magna Cum Laude; M.A. 1999, Magna Cum Lauda; PhD 2003, Doctoral of Excellence Fellowship), and at Columbia University, NY (Post-Doc fellowship). She served as a Visiting Scholar (2004-2005) and as attending Associate Research Scholar (2006-2007) at Columbia University (CU). Before her studies she served as a Lieutenant in the Intelligence Branch Research Division, IDF (1991-1993).

    Prof. Bloch-Elkon has published articles in numerous journals on the topic of media, public opinion and foreign policy, terrorism and counterterrorism, and partisan polarization, and serves as a book and papers' reviewer for professional and academic journals. She received various awards for teaching and research activities, and her co-authored book on Selling Fear: Counterterrorism, Media and Public Opinion, published by The University of Chicago Press (2011), received great reviews in leading journals and won prestigious prizes from Choice Magazine: 2013 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award, and The 2013 Bruce E. Gronbeck Political Communication Research Award. Her Recent co-authored book on Hate Speech and Political Violence: Far-Right Rhethoric from the Tea Party to the Insurrection, was published by Columbia University Press (2024).

    • תקשורת פוליטית: מסגור תקשורתי; תקשורת וטרור; ביטוי שנאה ואלימות פוליטית; תקשורת ומשברים בינ"ל/מדיניות-חוץ; פוליטיקה אמריקאית
    •  דעת-קהל: מפלגתיות
    • שיטות מחקר כמותניות




    • Introductory course in Mass Communications
    • Seminar Political Communications and Public Opinion
    • Communications: Theory and Practice
    • Communication and Technology
    • Introductory courses in Political Studies and International Relations




    • Communications, Public Opinion and Policy
    • Seminar Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
    • Advanced Methodology and Statistics
    • Seminar Diplomacy, Media and Public Opinion
    • Communication and Psychology
    • Organizational Communication

    Books (Author/Editor)

    Nacos, Brigitte L., Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2011). Selling Fear: Counterterrorism, the Media and Public Opinion. The University of Chicago Press. [Won: Choice Magazine: CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award, 2013; The Bruce E. Gronbeck Political Communication Research Award, 2013, The Carl Crouch Center]. 

    Nacos, Brigitte L., Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2024). Hate Speech and Political Violence: Far-Right Rhetoric from the Tea Party to the Insurrection. Columbia University Press.

    Bloch, Yaeli (2001). Contemporary Political Ideologies-Student Instructional Manual. Tel Aviv: The Open-Univ.

    Bloch, Yaeli (2001), Co-Editor. Modern Ideologies: A Reader. Tel Aviv: The Open University.


    Articles and Book Chapters

    Bloch, Yaeli and Lehman-Wilzig, Sam (2001). "An Exploratory Model of Media – Government Relations in International Crisis: U.S Involvement in Bosnia 1992-1995", in Gilboa, E. (ed.), Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Making Policy, Shaping Opinions. NY, Transnational Publisher, pp. 153-173.

    Auerbach, Yehudit and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2005). "The Press and Foreign Policy: New York Times and Washington Post vis-à-vis U.S Policy in Bosnia". Journal of Peace Research, 42 (1), pp. 83-99.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2005)."Deep Suspicion: Iraq, Misperception, and Partisanship". Public Opinion Pros - POP (Public Perspective Online), June, 15 pp.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Lehman-Wilzig, Sam (2007). "Media Functioning during a Violent International Crisis: Differences between Elite and Popular Press Coverage of American Policy in Bosnia (1992-95)", in Nossek, H. Sreberny A. & Sonwalker P. (eds.), Media and Political Violence. NJ: Hampton, pp. 119-142.

    Shapiro, Robert Y. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2007). “Ideological Partisanship and American Public Opinion toward Foreign Policy”, in Halperin M.H et al. (eds.), Power and Superpower: Global Leadership and Exceptionalism in the 21st Century. NY: The Century Foundation Press, pp. 49-68.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2007). "The Polls-Trends: Preventing Terrorism after the 9/11 Attacks". Public Opinion Quarterly, 71 (1), 142-163.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2007). “Studying the Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in International Crises: The United States and the Bosnian Crisis 1992-1995”. The (Harvard) International Journal of Press/Politics, 12 (4), 20-51.

    Nacos, Brigitte L., Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2007). “Post-9/11 Terrorism Threats, News Coverage, and Public Perception in the United States”. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 1 (2), 105-126

    Nacos, Brigitte L., Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2007). "The Threat of International Terrorism after 9/11: New Coverage and Public Perceptions”. Public Opinion Pros - POP (Public Perspective Online), February, 2-18.

    Nacos, Brigitte L., Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2008). “Prevention of Terrorism in Post-9/11 America: News Coverage, Public Perceptions and the Politics of Homeland Security”. Terrorism and Political Violence, 20 (1), 1-25.

    Shapiro, Robert Y. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2008). "Do the Facts Speak for Themselves? Partisan Disagreement as a Challenge to Democratic Competence." Critical Review, 20 (1-2), 115-139

    Shapiro, Robert Y. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2008). “Foreign Policy, Meet the People”. The National Interest, no. 97, September/October, pp. 37-42.

    Snyder, Jack L., Shapiro, Robert Y. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2009). “Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home”. World Politics, 61 (1), 155-187.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2009). “Partisan Conflict and American Public Opinion Towards East Asia". The Journal of Asiatic Studies, 52 (1), 240-286.    

    Nacos, Brigitte L. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2011). "The Media, Public Opinion, and Terrorism", in Shapiro, R. Y. & Jacobs L. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of American Public Opinion and the Media. Oxford University Press, pp.69-712.

    Snyder, Jack J., Shapiro, Robert Y. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2011). "Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home", in Ikenberry, J. G., Mastanduno, M. & Wohlforth W. C. (eds.), International Relations Theory and the Consequences of Unipolarity, Cambridge University Press, pp.178-215.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2011). "The Polls-Tends: Public Perceptions and the Threat of International Terrorism After 9/11", Public Opinion Quarterly, 75, 366-392.

    Snyder, Jack J., Shapiro, Robert Y. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2012) "Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home", in Snyder, Jack (ed.), Power and Progress: International Politics in Transition. New York, Routledge, pp. 236-256.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Nacos L., Brigitte (2014). "News and Entertainment Media: Government’s Big Helpers in the Selling of Counterterrorism", Perspectives on Terrorism, 8 (5), 18-32.

    Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Raynhold, Jonathan (2016). "Israeli Attitudes to the Obama Administration", in Inbar, Efraim, Raynhold, Jonathan (eds.), US Foreign Policy and Global Standing in the 21st Century. New York, Rutledge, pp. 248-266.

    Nacos, Brigitte L. and Yaeli Bloch-Elkon (2018). "U.S. Media and Post 9/11 Human Rights Violations in the name of Counterterrorism", Human Rights Review, 19, 193-210.

    Nacos, Brigitte L., Shapiro Robert Y. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2020). “Donald Trump: Aggressive Rhetoric and Political Violence”, Perspectives on Terrorism, 14 (5), 219-242.

    Gilboa Eytan. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2022). “The Rift between American Jews and Israel”, in Kumaraswamy, P. (Ed.), Palgrave International Handbook on Israel. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-19.

    Nacos, Brigitte L., and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2024). How Far-Right Extremism Changed American Body Politic, Political Science Quarterly, Vol.139 (3), 387-406.

    Nacos, Brigitte L., and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (2024). How Far-Right Extremism Changed American Body Politic, in Mantas, M., & Shapiro R.Y (Eds.), Political Conflict in American Politics. The Academy of Political Science, Oxford.

    Nacos, Brigitte L., Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli and Shapiro, Robert Y. (2024). Was January 6, 2021 a Rehearsal for a Greater Threat to American Democracy?, Columbia University Press – blog (Sept.)

    Nacos, Brigitte L. and Bloch-Elkon, Yaeli (forthcoming 2025). How Trump and the Radical Right Threaten(ed) America’s Democracy”, in  Fuchsman, K. (Ed.),  Mainstreaming of The Far-Right. Routledge.


    Scientific Conferences and Symposiums

    The Press and Foreign Policy – The Role of New-York Times and Washington Post concerning American Policy in Bosnia. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Tel Aviv University, December 24, 2000.

    Media-Government Relations in International Crises: A Case Study of US Involvement in Bosnia, 1992-1995. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), Chicago, USA, February 24-27, 2001.

    Exploratory Model of Media-Government Relations in International Crisis. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Bar Ilan University, April 13, 2003.

    Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy during International Crises – Integrative Model. Seminar series for Excellence, the School of Communication, College of Management Academic Studies, Tel-Aviv, March 15, 2004.

    Series presentations on Israeli Advocacy 2005-2006: A Critical Overview; Israeli Public Diplomacy: Where Did We Go Wrong?; Israeli Public Relations – Media and Politics. Representative of Bar Ilan University’s Global Division, NY, Midwest and Florida, USA, 2004-2007.

    Partisan Conflict and International Order. Seminar series on Quantitative Methods: Program for Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University, NY, USA, September 19, 2005.

    Partisan Conflict in the United States and its implication for American Foreign Policy. Columbia University Alumni, New York, NY, USA, October 17, 2005.

    Partisan Conflict, Public Opinion, and U.S Foreign Policy. Seminar series on Inequality & Social Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, December 12, 2005.

    Israeli Public Relations – Media and Politics. Lectures for the "Israel Bonds" (Development corporation for Israel), and the Israeli Council, Public Relations and Academic Affairs, NY, USA, 2005-2007.

    Media, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in International Crises – An Exploratory Model. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), NY, USA, May 26-30 2005.

    Partisan Conflict in the United States and Prospects for an International Security order. Joint Annual International Conference of the East Asia Institute (Korea), CIDE (Mexico), and the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, CCFR (USA), Seoul, Republic of Korea, August 19-20, 2005.

    Political Polarization and the Rational Public. Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 18-21, 2006.

    The Threat of International Terrorism after 9/11: News Coverage and Public Perceptions Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Philadelphia, August 31-September 3, 2006.

    Partisan and Ideological Conflict – U.S Foreign Policy. Quantitative Methods Workshop, Political Sciences Department, Columbia University, NY, USA, January 31, 2006.

    Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home. Unipolar Workshop, Princeton University, Princeton, USA, March, 2006.

    The Rational Public? Research Symposium on Political Psychology, Columbia University, NY, USA, November 5, 2006.

    Terror Preparedness/Prevention in Post-9/11 America: Public Perceptions and News Coverage. Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Anaheim, California, May 17-20, 2007.

    Prevention of Terrorism in Post-9/11 America: News Coverage, Public Perceptions, and the Politics of Homeland Security Policy. Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago Illinois, August 30-September 2, 2007.

    Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home: The Domestic Politics of Unipolarity. Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago Illinois, August 30-September 2, 2007.

    The Rational Public and Political Conflict. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Tel-Aviv, April 13, 2008.

    Media and Politics. Conference on Truth or Lie: Rating, Spin and Politics, Tel-Aviv University, November 6, 2008.

    Challenges to Democratic Competence. Columbia University NYC and Bar Ilan University, January 2008.

    Research Symposium on Political Psychology, Columbia University, NY, USA, November 13, 2010.

    Religion and Politics. Conference on Religion, Politics, Society and the State: Israel in Comparative Perspective, Argov Center for the Study on Israel and the Diaspora, Bar Ilan University, January 8, 2009. (Chairperson).

    American Attitudes toward Israel and the Middle East: Socio-demographic Dimensions. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), NYC, USA, February 15-18, 2009.

    US Under Obama. India – Israel Dialogue Workshop, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), Bar Ilan University, January 7, 2009.

    The Religious Factor in American Attitudes towards Israel and the Palestinian-Israeli Dispute. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, March 25, 2010.

    Research Symposium on Political Psychology, Columbia University, NY, USA, November 13, 2010.

    Reality Construction and the War on Terror: TV Dramas in the US 2001-2004. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Haifa University, April 14, 2011.

    Selling Fear: Counterterrorism, The Media, And Public Opinion. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Tel-Aviv University, April 3-4, 2012.

    Israeli Public Opinion towards the US. Joint conference of ADL-BESA-CIC on American-Israeli Relations, Bar Ilan University, June 17-18, 2012.

    Biting or Embracing Media? The Entertainment Media in the USA After 9/11. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Bar Ilan University, March 21, 2013.

    Public Relation and Religious use of New and Traditional Media. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Bar Ilan University, March 21, 2013 (Chairperson and Respondent).

    Framing the war on terror: American TV dramas 2001-2004. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, California, USA, April 3-6 2013.

    The Personal Communication Profile (PCP): A, Experimental Approach. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Netanya College, April 10, 2014.  

    Israeli Attitudes to the Obama Administration. International Conference on Americas’ Standing in the World: Image and Reality, BESA Center Bar Ilan University, December 8-9, 2014.

    To Communicate – what is Communication? Joint conference of Bnut Sherut – BIU Communication School on Media, Bar Ilam University, February 18, 2015.

    Determinates of American Public Opinion Towards Israel: A Socio-Demographic Analysis. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), Louisiana, New Orleans, USA, February 18-21, 2015.

    The Religious Factor in American Attitudes towards Israel: 1998-2016. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, February 22-25, 2017.

    Media and Human Rights Violations in the name of Counterterrorism. Symposium on Human Rights, John Jay NY, USA, June 2017.

    What makes a Speech Effective and “Catching” Headlines? Netanyahu and Obama’s UN Speeches. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Jerusalem, Hadasa Academic College, April 16, 2019.

    “So why Politics Now?” Media, Elections and Academy. Conference of the Communication School, Bar Ilan University, March 18, 2021 (moderator and organizer).

    American Jews and Israel: From Civil Religion to Political Distancing. Annual Conference of the Association for Israel Studies (AIS), Bar Ilan University, June 27-29, 2022.   

    Public Opinion in Israel and the World: Comparative Measuring and Survey Interpretation. International Communication Workshop, School of Communication, Israeli Communication Association (ISCA) and the Israeli Association for International Studies (IAIS), Bar Ilan University, December 9, 2022.

    Diaspora Communication: American Jews attitudes towards Israel. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Afula, Yezreel Valley Academic College, April 3, 2023.

    The Religious Factor in American Attitudes towards Israel. Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for International Studies (IAIS), Bar Ilan University, June 8, 2023.

    Continuity and Change in the Attitudes of American Jews and Evangelicals toward Israel. Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR – OCP), Lyon, online from June 26-July 5, 2023.

    Generational Gaps in America Attitudes towards Israel. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, USA, April 3-6, 2024.

    Hate Speech and Political Violence: Far-Right Rhetoric from the Tea Party to the Insurrection. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Reichman University, April 18, 2024.

    “We can’t say ‘it’s not our business”: Russia Ukraine War, Twitter and Israeli Politics. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Reichman University, April 18, 2024.

    International Communication: Diplomacy, Public Opinion and Culture. Annual Conference of the Israeli Association for International Studies (IAIS), Raanana, Open University, June 20, 2024 (Chairperson)

    On Hate Speech and Political Violence: Towards the upcoming Presidential Elections for the U.S 2024. Academic panel, School of Communication, Bar Ilan University, July 4, 2024.

    Israel-Hamas War in Gaza: Different Constraints, Different Policy Response. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA), Chicago, IL, USA, March 2-5, 2025 (forthcoming).

    Populists Texts and AI – New Methodological Approach. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Haifa University, April 10, 2025 (forthcoming).

    Generational Gaps in American Attitudes towards Gaza. Annual Conference of the Israeli Communication Association (ISCA), Haifa University, April 10, 2025 (forthcoming).

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/02/2025